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Networking Top Tips

Networking Top Tips

September 01, 20233 min read

Surround yourself only with people who are going to take you higher. - Oprah Winfrey

Following my recent blog about the relaunch of the Stockport Unique Ladies Group, I thought it would be helpful to share my networking top tips:

Before the event

Identify your why for attending the event – this will help you focus and aim for something, making your attendance worthwhile.

Speak with the organiser - if you are feeling anxious about anything; if you need any support with arrangements; also use it as an opportunity to find out who is attending so you know who you might want to talk to.

If you haven’t been to the venue before, do a trial run and then you know the journey and roughly how long it might take.

Prepare your elevator pitch – keep it simple, what you do and the benefits of such.

Organise your business cards or have your QR code downloaded from LinkedIn for example.

Dress in something appropriate and what you are comfortable in.

“Gotta get up and try.”


At the Event

Arrive in good time – this allows you to sort the car parking out and find the loo’s; get the best table for you; have a comfort break before everything gets underway; speak to a few people before things start.

Speak with the organiser on arrival/during – if you are feeling anxious about anything.

Sounds obvious, but speak with fellow networkers – if you are feeling anxious, let them know – they will either feel the same or have been there themselves at some point in the past.  Listen and add as much value to the conversation as possible through questioning – make it more about them

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ― Oscar Wilde.

Take notes of other events happening, people you have met, from the speakers.

Keep in mind your why – who do you want to speak to and have you done that, and if not, have you got their contact details to follow up.

Stay hydrated and have a light snack / lunch if it’s an all-day event.

Say your goodbyes and thank you’s.

Surround yourself only with people who are going to take you higher.”  

Oprah Winfrey

After the Event

Celebrate your efforts – you did it.  You put yourself out there, capture how this made you feel and why.

Reflect on who you spoke with – do you want to / did you commit to follow up with them, go do that.

Contact the people you did not get chance to speak with.

Go build relationships – follow them on social media and like their posts, comment on their posts.  Book in further follow up calls / meet ups.  Show an interest in what they are doing.  Find out what they are trying to achieve or need help with and how can you help them with that – this could be as simple as sharing their posts, interesting them to other people you know.

Reflect on your why and did you achieve what you set out to do.

What next?  Remember to be consistent – the more you put into your networking, the more you will gain out of it.

I believe that if you want to go make your mark on the world you've got to go out and do it. Don't be shy, be adventurous.

Helen Mirren


If you want to attend one of our events, but are concerned in some way, please do check in with the local leader who will be more than happy to help.  With at least one event happening most weeks, check out your nearest group and look forward to seeing you at an event soon to learn more about you and your business.


networkingunique ladiestogethernesscommunitywomen empowering women
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