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December Daily's

December Daily's

December 24, 20236 min read

“December can be an amazing month, with lots of buzz and hype about the festive period. It can also be a very difficult month with major deadlines to meet in work, and the added pressure of everything going on outside of work. So the December Daily's are here to help support HR and Managers with employee motivation and wellbeing ideas - the intention, to get the team talking and increase togetherness through simple activities each day. - Pam Molyneux

Some of these can be adapted for any time of year;

On the 1st day of December make sure that your team are clear on what is happening with pay day. If you pay before the 24th you will be fine, however anything after that, there can be an expectation from staff that you will adjust the December pay date. Be clear and upfront with your team now.


Ask your team to share the advent calendar today – is it a chocolate pudding, a chocolate wreath or have they got something fancier? If you are in an actual office, can you get a calendar for the office and take it in turns.


Ask your team if they want to get involved in a secret Santa gift exchange – agree a limit with them and let the gift hunting begin! A brilliant alternative for this is making a contribution to charity, which is what we are doing as part of our Business for Good ethos with the charities we support


Are you able to host an end of year award ceremony, recognition for the efforts and contribution from your team? You could include things such as going the extra mile award, hero award, spirit award, team choice award. 
👉Keep it simple
👉Make it fun and be creative with the arrangements
👉Include the team in the design and setup


It’s International Volunteering Day today. Volunteering and giving back has proven health benefits, so could you allow your team time to go and support a local charity or community event? We love to volunteer through the Enterprise Adviser scheme and support the young people in a local school with understanding what opportunities are available on leaving school.  The gratitude and sense of togetherness it provides is good for the soul.


Share the Do-Good December calendar from Action for Happiness. Lots of brilliant suggestions for small acts of kindness:


It is Christmas Jumper Day run by Save the Children today - wear your Christmas jumper and get your team involved.


Remember it’s not just Christmas – ask your team to share what their celebrations are, there will be more than just Christmas being observed, and it’s important that everyone’s focus is talked about.


Could you agree how you will support a charitable cause in 2024.


Get your team involved in agreeing the levels of service and staffing required during the festive period - who can do what, and what contingency is needed.


Share with the team the results of their work - go get some testimonials from customers and acknowledgements of all their efforts and contribution.


How will you say thank you to the team for their efforts this year? You could ask the team for ideas and work out what is affordable. Sometimes, even a simple handwritten card thanking for their contribution, or an early finish can be a nice gesture and welcomed acknowledgement of their efforts.


Share the help and support that is available - there are the national helplines which Mind have provided -
you have any team members you are concerned about? Talk to the team about the help and support available and ask them to raise any concerns. If you have an EAP, remind them of this. If you are shutting down over Christmas, agree any levels of contact during that time.   


Ask your team what they would like to see in 2024 - a team building day, a change to the way you do the team meetings over breakfast time or lunch time, a team walk...
Put your parameters around it associated with time and budget and let their creative thoughts flow – get them involved and try and do something new.


Thinking ahead to how your team might be feeling when they return to work in the new year – could you introduce a #jarofjoy for January.
A really simple activity, each day, you and your team write onto a piece of paper something you are grateful for and place it in a jar.  This can bring gratitude each day whilst reflecting on what to write and at the end of the month it is a great reminder of everything that has brought joy.
Talk to staff now about it and then they have something good to look forward to.


Share with your team what the focus is for 2024. What are you trying to achieve in 2024, how can staff contribute and be involved in that.


Can you introduce a festive game in the team meeting – a quiz, bingo, what’s in the stocking.


Ask your team to share their favourites:
🌟Christmas films
🌟photos of their pets...


Ask your team to share a Christmas crafting activity such as making their own wrapping paper, or making their own wreath. Sharing of ideas creates opportunity to see common likes between each other, and we also learn new things about each other.


Ask your team to share photo’s of the most dressed house in their area – it might even be theirs! 


Can you get the team out in nature today for the team meeting instead of sitting at the desk. If not possible, is it possible to change where the meeting takes place. If online, change up your backgrounds with a different scene.


Create your out of office message together as a team - could you do a mini video to include on the email and a recording for the office phone line that goes to all customers wishing everyone well for the festive season. Even if you are all remote with the power of teams and zoom, you can do this

Today is all about giving back. Could you and the team go and drop into a local charity or community setting - gift your time to help and / or take some gifts or supplies that the setting need. What random acts of kindness can you undertake today as a team.


Where possible, can you let your team leave early or take an extended break. It won’t be possible in all companies and industries but for those that can, it really will go a long way.

We hope you have found it useful inspiration and they have sparked some good conversations and increased togetherness through the simple activities. 

In the meantime, if you would like to discuss employee motivation and wellbeing further, please do get in touch - we love to help with all things people management related.

All that's left for us to say, is we wish you a very Happy Christmas to you and your team.

motivationwellbeingHRmanagertogethernessteamDecemberrecognitionInternational Volunteering DayAction for HappinessChristmas Jumper DayEAPcharityMindJar of Joy
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